If you think you know it all, you’re immediately stuck. Interrupting a cycle of suffering involves using your authority and coming into agreement with God’s path. Anything you don’t surrender to the path of “living in the way” restricts you from the ability to maintain and sustain your inheritance.
EP. 268 Lifetime of Transformation
We are called to a lifetime of transformation where we put off the old man, renew our mind, and put on the new man. As we touch on the significance of each feast in the Old Testament, we can follow the sequence of our heart work as we journey through life. Our false narrative about experiences gives credence to the “old man” but as we actively apply faith, we align our narrative to follow God’s course and His standard.
Removing the Veil
People think change happens with information, but transformation happens when you see through God's eyes. Whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is lifted. Any struggle or challenge is an invitation to repentance. The reason you are blind is that you are insisting that you already see. To move forward and get unstuck, you have to admit there is something you have never seen before. The truth is, you can’t do it in your strength!
Ep 266 The Mystery of God
If you aren’t experiencing every promise of God, you have the missing element of perception. Transformation happens as the veil is lifted from our hearts. When the veil is removed, we see God for who He is. Anything God does, He does through human beings. Jesus was 100% man and 100% God, and we can do what Jesus did. God speaks in mysteries, and as God lays it out, you only understand to the degree that your heart is open to understanding.
Ep. 265 Gratitude increases Faith
People have the capacity to increase their consciousness of God. Gratitude is one of the most empowering emotions. It’s the opposite of entitlement! People of faith don’t have to wait for circumstances to change. Gratitude is our responsive experience and the manifestation happens, This is what it means to take the limits of God!
EP. 264 Getting Over Your Past
This is truly your new beginning! Your old life is over, and this is your new day. Many times we struggle with applications to solve an issue if it’s too simple. It's important not to “hear amiss” and search for God’s opinion. Willingness to surrender our opinion is being teachable and repentant. Anyone stuck in their past, and continues to think about it, is because deep down they want to. True freedom from our past is our invitation to allow His love into our story!
Ep. 263 Getting past the past
Enjoying the inheritance of God’s kingdom works best as we sort through the baggage that has riddled our past. We get to the point where we know what we need and what we don’t need. People tend to feel as though their problem is unique, we all struggle with the same issues, and there is always a simple solution.
Ep. 262 Having Ears to Hear
The moment you do anything for any outcome other than Jesus, you begin to manipulate a situation. When we do something to “make” God do something, we move into personal gain and selfish ambition. Jesus emptied himself and was born of the Spirit. We are called to do the same!
Ep. 261 Sensitive to His Voice
How can I have a heart that is willing to hear His voice? You are always getting and finding what you are looking for. If a relationship with God and knowing Him is your heart’s desire, you will be quick and attentive to hear and respond to Him. As God pours life into you, you will naturally pour into others. Handling prophecy responsibly is when we read the word, meditate and have a willing heart. Hearing His voice with faith changes history.
Ep. 260 Benefits of Preparation
Keeping our excitement and passion alive for Jesus coming back is important to the believer! Living a dull, boring religious life leads to obligation, which prohibits are preparation to see Him face to face. Jesus relates our preparation to the ten virgins. Five were living with no urgency, complacent and apathetic. The other five were full of anticipation, enthralled by deep love and intimacy for their bridegroom. What a beautiful invitation!
Ep 259 Overcoming Repeat Mistakes
When we repeat the same mistakes, it’s a sign that we have unhealthy attachments. The disempowering belief is that we have to spend our lifetime overcoming the pain of our past. The truth is we get to live our life re-writing the beliefs from our past. Even though you have an excuse for why you keep repeating the same dysfunction, we are invited to move forward away from judgment.
Ep. 258 The Law of First Reference
Jesus is the exact interpretation of God. When we create God concepts with our own minds with subjective ideas, we form opinions that can be misleading. Every time I limit God, I diminish the capacity to build my inheritance, by my attitudes and judgments. The greatest hope we have is His Appearing. Jesus is coming back!
Ep. 257 Judging Others is Selfish
As soon as you assume why anything has happened, you have entered into judgment. In the garden, man chose to be their own God, and it turned into idolatry. We get seduced into judging thinking “they need to pay”. Judging others is always selfish. We “shape” idols in our minds by being in love with our opinions. There is hope because we can change the way we think!
Ep. 256 The Good and Bad Reward
Good or bad, there is a natural outcome for how you manage your life. A person doesn’t hit bottom as long as someone is baking them out. If you take away the consequences, you are the problem. When we face consequences it gives us the opportunity to repent.
Ep. 255 Responsibility and Rewards
Those who are paranoid about legalism end up missing the rewards and inheritance of living the Kingdom life. You become what you behold! We can’t enjoy personal freedom without personal responsibility. Will we put our security in our doctrine? If so, that is a substitute, for our true security is found in intimacy and experience with God.
Ep. 254 Managing our Inheritance
Managing our inheritance does not work with the principles of the world. There are rewards for those who diligently seek him. You may not always get credit, but you will receive a reward. When we are faithful over small things, we will be the ruler over much.
Ep 253 End the Suffering
We are invited to experience the end of suffering. We can live a natural life or follow the Holy Spirit. The inheritance is ours and is solidified as we practice appreciation. The opposite of gratitude is entitlement. There is a difference between salvation and inheritance. Moses smote the rock rather than speaking to it. By misrepresenting God, in his anger he lost his inheritance.
ep. 252 Spirit of Adoption
Are you carnal-minded or spiritually minded? When we fix our gaze towards God, we leave the past behind and set our direction. When we receive the spirit of adoption, we are positioned to be led as his child. And as children of God, we have an inheritance. As royalty, you are taught how to live with dignity and worth. Receiving your inheritance is connected to overcoming your flesh.
Ep. 251 Experiencing your Inheritance
It was an eleven-day walk to the promised land, and the Israelites turned it into a 40-year journey. That’s what happens when we blame God. If you honor your emotions above God’s truth and his opinion, you can’t be led by the Holy Spirit and receive your inheritance. The Holy Spirit is a person. It doesn't matter what you believe if you’re not experiencing it. The Holy Spirit doesn’t lead you just to give you formulas and make a journey, but to receive your inheritance!
Ep. 250 Evidence of the Holy Spirit
We are the doers, and the Holy Spirit is our helper. The Holy Spirit works from our heart and offers life, charisma, care, grace, strength, and power. The purpose of Manifesting is to confirm God’s truth and love. Jesus was ready to face temptation after his encounter with the Holy Spirit. This resolved his self-worth and established his identity. We are invited to recover sight every morning, of the true resource of the Holy Spirit