Ep. 289 The Feeling of Being Righteous

Obeying the law never made anyone righteous. The law was given to show what love looks like and shows us how to relate to people. When I know righteousness and feel righteous, I have the gift of authority and can renew my mind and write His truth on my heart. Once I believe I am righteous in my heart, I experience harmony, peace and joy!

Ep. 288 The Pleasure of Righteousness

Would you rather have pain, or fall in love with righteousness? There is pleasure ahead for us as we adjust our ways to his ways. This is when life becomes simple, for God has given us things for our enjoyment. Attempting to enjoy life for the “Outside pleasure” brings external counterfeits, but in reality, we live from the inside out, and God gave us the power and grace to be strongly connected to Him.  

Ep. 287 Jesus: Exact Representation

If your walk with God is burdensome, then you are trying to become something or force something that isn’t being asked of us. To yield and harmonize with the Holy Spirit is to know the secret to effortless victory. As believers, righteousness is our normal…if we ever feel uncomfortable, it means we are violating our true nature to harmonize with Jesus, the exact representation of God.

Ep. 286 Kingdom Living

The first step to Kingdom living is having a flexible teachable attitude! It’s God’s intention to keep us in the perfect life, and this is told from the beginning as we see the harmony in creation. Man has the authority to choose. Being multi-dimensional in our thinking brings us into the depth of understanding which is the precursor to wisdom.

Ep. 284 The Fulfilling and Rewarding Life

You will either be a slave to sin or a slave to righteousness. Righteousness is the pathway to life. Mercy, compassion, and love don’t excuse sin. Since the garden, man has the desire to define right and wrong independently of God. The pathway to a fulfilling and rewarding life is about being in harmony with God’s intention.

Ep. 281 I Know God’s Will

The more pure your heart is, the more you will see and perceive in this life! Jesus defends God according to His names and embodies those names. If we start our prayer, “If you’re willing” you’re saying “I don’t know you…I don’t trust you.” Instead, we know God’s will and we think like God, Love like God and we are confident in Him so we can pray, “I know your will” and start praying with what we know to be true.

Ep. 280 Certainty Brings Light

Light is clear succinct perception. We don’t want to live a life that is “less than”, for then we become susceptible to corruption. Everything that isn’t in faith is missing out on God’s best for our lives. If I make any decision not based on something absolute, then I’m not in certainty. If we are in darkness, we aren’t in fellowship with God and aren’t experiencing abundant life.

Ep. 279 Lifestyle of Righteousness

You will never be stable until you function effectively in the way of righteousness. The path of the righteous is a way of life that affects every single day, and the way you live. It begins in your heart and permeates every part of your life. Your quality of life is affected by your willingness to be obedient and live from your heart.

Ep. 277 Sincerity, Righteousness, and Faith

Faith isn’t about being sincere or getting anything, rather it starts with hearing what God is saying. A man wasn’t made for righteousness, but righteousness is made for man. When we add righteousness to every equation we bring it to life! Love with righteousness…prosperity with righteousness…kindness with righteousness, etc.

Ep. 276 Loving Others: The Ultimate Fulfillment

True fulfillment comes from loving others…not necessarily from being loved. Expressing love is our ultimate honor in this world. When you love someone, nothing is a burden. As the Spirit of God lives in us, kindness, fairness, and honesty are natural byproducts. Understanding wisdom gets us to the place where we are mature and stable which results in harmony with others.

Ep 275 Choosing Light

Everything we need to know about making life wonderful runs by God’s laws. God needs to be predictable for him to feel safe! There are complimentary opposites. You can’t have good without evil, you can’t have light without darkness. In order for us to create with God, we have to have choices. Once we choose light, it keeps getting brighter and brighter.

Ep. 273 Substitutes for True Spirituality

Developing the capacity to enter the interchange of faith starts with righteousness. Many aren’t interested in growing as a person, they just want to be spiritually entertained. All that your life becomes emerges out of your heart. The quality of your life will be in direct correlation to your alignment with righteousness, There is no substitution!

Ep. 272 The World System

The World system is something that works in the world that is diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus. He who sows to please his flesh will reap destruction, and he who sows to please the spirit reaps eternal life. If God is in me, I set myself apart from the world system and into the reality of Jesus. Sanctification happens when we want to be transformed and set apart in every area of my life.