Holy Spirit our Helper

The most important task of the Holy Spirit is the role of our helper. Consciousness and being aware is where everything starts when it comes to receiving everything the Holy Spirit has for us. We have access to all of God’s resources, and as we listen inward, we don’t waste our time telling God what we need, or beg him for something he has already provided, we rather receive the practical application of wisdom for every problem.

Ep. 248 Take Hold of the Holy Spirit

Are you a natural thinker or a supernatural thinker? If you rely on the wisdom of this world and your carnal mind, you will feel stuck. No matter how great our imagination is, we still can’t begin to see the wonder of God’s possibilities of heaven on earth. Because of the Holy Spirit, all of God’s resources are available right now. We just need wisdom to walk into them! Our full awareness and consciousness of the Holy Spirit connect us to the power of God.

Ep. 246 Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Knowing rest is trusting the reality that God’s resources are accessible at all times. The provision of peace and rest is available in the “eternal now”. You can’t enter into rest if you are under any condemnation. Your ultimate connection to eternity is when you’re in the sense of “no time” where there isn’t a past or a future.

Ep: 247 Your Relationship with Time

God clearly assures us to “fear not”. As we move towards our future, our inheritance through Jesus is to feel His security and remember his name, “Jehovah Jireh”. This very name describes our God who SEES and provides. He sees your needs, goes before you, and provides in advance. As spiritual beings, we are invited to step out of time and commune with God beyond all time and space. Time isn’t our master, but rather our gift as we are each given the gift of a lifetime.

Eps. 244 Communication Beyond Words

What you communicate is not necessarily audible. Your intentions are being sent with your belief systems beyond any words you say. Every time your heart beats, it sends a signal conveying everything about you to any piece of equipment that picks up that signal - which is another person’s heart. Your true intention is conveyed in how people feel about you.

Ep. 243 Renewal

The easiest life is when you are comfortable discovering where you are wrong and remaining teachable. The spirit of repentance is a willingness to give up your opinions. Jesus is the door to new life. No matter how dead you feel you’ve become when you experience the breath of God, you can come out of your “grave” and suddenly have life. Renewal is everywhere in scripture, and it’s the process of what happens when God is present.

Ep. 242 Are you tethered to your abilities?

God has breathed His life into you! The kingdom of God is within you, so how do you access it? Everything external is a reflection of what’s going on on the inside. People are deceived because of something they don’t want to give up. Being too attached to anything or anyone in this world makes you susceptible to deception. Being tethered to your abilities rather than resting in God’s favor will keep you in the “try hard” life.

Ep: 241 Jesus the Ultimate Portal

The New Testament quotes Jesus as saying that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God". The size of the eye of the needle is all about the degree that you look to your own conscience to decide what you are qualified for. There is nothing left for God to do, we just have to decide what the goodness of God means for us. Harmonizing our character with the nature of Jesus is true righteousness and results in joining heaven and earth. Making a decision is an exercise of authority.

Ep. 239: Will I go to God?

Fear of the unknown can morph into fear of being wrong, and hearing amiss is when we are not aligning our faith with God’s written word. A lie that some believe is: when man sinned, he lost his authority. In truth, we didn’t lose authority, we lost our identity. With every desire, we have the choice to go to God or go to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. With our feet standing firmly on the love of God, we can address areas of our life without fear and condemnation. We are free from the power of sin. One needs only to yield to the power of righteousness, and the struggle with sin will be over.

Ep. 238 Character Building and Identity

He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness through experiential knowledge. If we believe Jesus is okay with us living in sin, we are not seeing Him as He is. The only thing that keeps us from seeing, is when we don’t want to give up our sin. Identity is about character building and developing fruit. When we experience an infusion with God, suddenly understanding comes.

Ep. 237 Identity and our Dreams

Discover how to get into a realm of identity to a place you couldn’t even imagine. Most people think a miracle is when god violates physics, but a miracle is when God operates a higher law of physics that we don’t perceive. We have dreams, but we tend to move to earthy knowledge to change our circumstances to realize those dreams, instead of going with the flow. As soon as you make a decision, life begins the flow of new beginnings.

Ep. 236: How will you Choose Life?

Discover how to get into a realm of identity to a place you couldn’t even imagine. Most people think a miracle is when god violates physics, but a miracle is when God operates a higher law of physics that we don’t perceive. We have dreams, but we tend to move to earthy knowledge to change our circumstances to realize those dreams, instead of going with the flow. As soon as you make a decision, life begins the flow of new beginnings.

Ep. 235: Light decodes Darkness

Darkness can’t decode light, but light instantly decodes darkness. One thing that is required of us, is that we die to self. Our intention is to surrender. When we die to self we experience resurrection, and are raised in newness and experience life beyond our dreams or imaginations. When we give up our perceived picture of “perfect” and die to our opinions, he raises us up in strength, sweetness and simplicity.

Ep. 234: Mind over Matter

God’s desire is for us to have an incredible life. The destruction of christianity is the dichotomy between secular and sacred. This is a false way to look at the world and partakes of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. To the pure all things are pure. Mind over matter. Is it good or evil? Yes. Pursuing harmony restores us back to God’s original intention.

Ep. 233: Love with Understanding

Helping those we love is part of being in relationships. We can develop our skills in caring for others, and discern what they really need. Instead of assuming what you think they need to know, ask questions to find out what’s important to them. Allow others to present needs, before offering your knowledge. This helps to love them with understanding.

Ep. 232: Are You Choosing Joy or Sorrow?

When we don’t understand something, we tend to make it complicated. God always comes to us in a gentle way, never with force. Every day, God simply says choose life or death. Choose joy or sorrow. Dysfunction happens we need man’s acceptance and thus surrender our authority to another person. We are invited to recover our self-image by being with Jesus and receiving His acceptance. Our worth comes from God.

Ep. 231: Harmonize Heaven and Earth

From moment of conception everyone has the same destiny. Our purpose and role and responsibility is to harmonize heaven and earth. This vision gives us purpose, and establishes our identity. Perfect love expels all fear. When love has been perfected, it has been expressed, received and reciprocated. Knowing and feeling the love of God is essential for moving forward in security and true. If you’re not sure that you’ve experienced something from God, then you haven’t.

Ep. 230: Rituals, Tradition and other Substitutes for Faith

People who are serious about God can truly enjoy life with everything working out for the good. The question is, are we going to discover how to engage our heart in intimacy with God, or we are going to look for a replacement? Rituals, ceremony, intellectualism, culture and tradition can be destructive if we put our trust in them, and they become substitutes for faith in Jesus.

Ep. 229: A New Sense of Normal

What’s your sense of normal? Our family origin and environment establishes what feels normal, and whether it is good or bad, it becomes tolerated. When unloving behavior is tolerated it becomes accepted, and then the possibility of dysfunction sets in, and we begin to need it as an expression of love. If your identity is attached to others, and the status of your relationships, and you want your normal to change, you are invited to recover your identity in Jesus Christ!

Ep. 228: Mastering the Basics

The master is the one who has mastered the basics. The foundations of our faith include “seeking first” the kingdom of God and his righteousness, knowing that all “the things” shall be added to you. You can’t experience resurrection life if you’re trying to be that “old person”. When you rely on your own strength, you sabotage God’s power. Ceasing from labors is the first step into true rest.