You can’t control your thoughts - until you deal with beliefs of your heart. The first step to change your doorkeeper (thoughts) is to meditate on the promise of God until you feel the emotion, because that’s what makes it believable. Now that you can believe it, you can use authority and harmonize your present moment in the foundation of God’s Word and His righteousness. This is writing beliefs on your heart over and over again, until the destructive beliefs have faded away, and you are no longer tempted to think along those lines.
Ep. 185: The Doorkeeper to the Heart
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Your thoughts are your doorkeeper that controls what goes in and what goes out of your heart, and your heart is like your inner home. If a prevalent emotion is negative, you can change your focus, thus changing the emotion. Emotions are based on where you’re putting your attention. You may hear inspirational information, that brings you positive emotions, but if you don’t actuate those emotions within 12-24 hours they start floating away. Establishing your doorkeeper is an intentional choice that you have.
Ep. 184: Finding the Beliefs of the Heart
What are you able to do and say effortlessly? Those are an indicator of the beliefs of your heart. You were created to experience life and joy! As you are willing to look at your circumstances and notice if you’re having the same problems over and over again, these are likely related to a belief that is limiting your life. Most people are trying to solve problems in their personal life and family life, but they won’t experience a true breakthrough unless they deal with their heart.
Ep. 183: Our Heart Beliefs are our Responsibility
We are responsible to guard our hearts and establish our hearts with the wisdom of God. It starts by renewing our mind and resisting the temptation to wallow in discouragement and discontentment. There is a difference between emotions and feelings, and when we establish our heart beliefs, our abiding feelings come into agreement with the nature and character of God. Emotions follow thought, and thoughts follow feelings. That is why our investment into our heart beliefs establishes the foundation for hope, joy and peace.
Ep. 182: Living from your Heart
Interaction with God comes alive when you are connected to your heart. As an overcomer, you will have the capacity to face anything, and be steadfast in the peace, joy and promises of God. Fear is the most destructive sin because it takes you to unbelief. In order to not give in to fear, we need to control what we focus on and choose to think about, and this becomes doable when we are communing with God in our hearts and have developed self-control.
Ep. 180: What is compassion?
“Seek and you shall find” means you will always find what you are seeking. Are you seeking sympathy? Sympathy says, “I’ll feed your excuses and feed the victim within you”. Are you seeking the truth that will set you free? Compassion is when you have empathy and a sense of seeing and feeling the mess and pain that people are in. Compassion says “I’m unwilling for you to remain in your condition and I’ll help you find the way out”.
Ep. 179: Signs of the Times
Every time you choose and choose right, your confidence grows. Your expectations change. The length of time it takes to overcome is directly based on proven character. When we glory in tribulation, it develops perseverance and patience. Proven character turns into hope, and if you’re not absolute, you can’t have hope. Once you make the decision, grace comes alive and when you face situations you won’t waiver.
Ep. 178: First Things First
In good times, anyone can succeed. In difficult times, you need to hear the specific word from God for today. People that thrive listen to their hearts. Man gave up the connection to God in order to judge evil from good. The definition of good is being in harmony with God. Every opinion, every thought, and every action and behavior is a choice to be in harmony with God’s truth.
Ep. 177: Circumstances do not rule you
When you dream, your subconscious is processing what you were unwilling to process in your conscious mind. Every time you make a decision you are exercising authority in life. When you have integrity and proven character you will stay the same, even under pressure. Circumstances do not rule you. Hold fast to the Word of God, trust God, and then we go through you will have resilience. When you have proven character through experience, and it’s not just theoretical, your confidence is fortified.
Ep. 176: Your Problems Solved
Everything we want to have happened in our life would be solved with character development. The Holy Spirit can’t lead you to where you don’ t have the integrity to go. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land! Willingness opens your ears. Having a teachable cannot be taught, it’s your decision. If you develop your character and integrity, you will want to let go of what hinders you.
Ep. 175: Consistency Reveals Character
Anywhere I have a lack of character, I will cause conflict with people and attract distractions and difficulties. Being able to stand up under pressure and not give up without wavering establishes righteousness. Proven character happens when you have walked through difficulties without wavering or compromise. It is established when you don’t surrender the foundation of who you are and refuse to take the shortcut. This is true to the righteousness of God and this produces hope. This hope will keep you from ever being disappointed or ashamed.
Ep. 174: The Discipleship Journey
God has one purpose, to bring us into loving relationships and live a quality life that is simply contagious. The discipleship journey is all about developing personal character to carry out this mission. The moment we yield to the Holy Spirit to personally hear, the closer we get to new beginnings and developing character that prepares us to sustain joy and peace even when our back is against the wall.
Ep. 173: Labor to a place of rest
Getting to a place of peace and contentment is our journey, and laboring to a place of rest is the process that takes us to the place of trusting God. The world labors to possess power and riches in attempts to dominate and acquire. We labor to the place of rest! We never need to force or manipulate. If your beliefs aren’t taking you to rest, they are not taking you to the heart of God.
Ep. 172: Promise within Contentment
When you are content, you are ready to move forward to new levels of prosperity and promise. You will be immune from blocks of discouragement or confusion in your heart and you will see opportunities every moment. Contentment is a process in which you come out completely satisfied and not looking for anything. You are grateful and behold the abundance that surrounds you. You focus on that which you have, instead of what you don’t have. You are protected from destruction and your heart is full of peace.
Ep. 171: The Journey of the Miraculous: Movement towards contentment
There isn’t a problem with wealth, but it’s when we trust in wealth. God richly provides everything for our enjoyment, to benefit our lives and edify our experiences. Seeing him as our source causes us to celebrate in Him! Let’s allow our true wealth to be our character established in God. Let’s be like God, in our generosity.
Ep. 170: Prosperity with Perspective
We tend to reduce our view of God to match our fears, instead of matching our fears to the view of God. Our circumstances and beliefs have limited our perception, and it is time to recover sight and receive a heavenly perspective. As we follow God’s process for wealth and success, we keep our motives intact and guard our hearts. The greatest antidote to greed is generosity!
Ep. 169: Wired for Success
People who can’t hear God’s voice in their hearts won’t be able to navigate in hard times. When you navigate success from your heart, you are not limited to the economic forecast. What you value is your treasure, and your own definition of success is a revealer of what is most important to you. As we incorporate wisdom, we persuade our hearts: “God wants me to prosper. I’m going to bring value to everyone involved so that there is always a win-win. Hearing God’s voice results in an intimate exchange of how to apply the absolute word of god to your life, so that you can navigate all the treachery in the world.
Ep. 168: The Absolutes of God
How do I collapse all the possibilities into one probability that will come to pass? All outcomes and all probabilities exist in the subatomic unseen substructure. God does not change, but the variable is “what you believe in your heart”. Trusting the absolute of God is what collapses you into His promises and experience His very best. As your heart is steadfast in God and faithful to the covenant, you will not fall into variables.
Ep. 167: How to Respond When You Don't Understand
If you are trying to define everything, you can’t interact with the invisible. The important quest isn’t to understand what is happening, but rather ask ourselves, “Do I know how to respond to what is happening”? This isn’t a formula but rather a potential tool to use along your journey of life. If we were all given a hammer and a box of nails and released into the woods to create something, we would all come out with something different. Our role is to represent God and trust what He has taught us about creation and continue to sustain this world in the likeness and image of God.
Ep. 166: What is Sacred vs. What is Secular
When we seek to determine whether something is sacred or secular we create a dichotomy that eliminates the rhythm of heaven. It is the heart and intentions of the heart that determines whether it is evil or good. We are not experiencing salvation if we aren’t experiencing abundant life, so repentance is all about changing your mind about God. The journey of being a disciple is about Lordship, and there is no salvation apart from this.