If you want to experience something that is impossible, become very comfortable with the invisible. Learn to perceive what cannot be seen. God created the heavens with sub-atomic energies. They were all here before the matter was created. Faith is not creating something out of nothing. We think of faith as dealing with the non-existent. God has already created the field, and within that field/heavens/space there are invisible energies that you can’t see or measure. God still dwells outside of space and matter, but Jesus came inside space and matter to show us how we could function.
Ep. 164: The Imaginary vs. the Invisible
We are co-creators with God and having faith is experiencing the end from the beginning. You can’t experience something that is happening in front of you beyond your conception of it. Our experience is not based on the visible, but the invisible. The difference between “imaginary” and “invisible” is: The invisible is that which God has already created that cannot be seen with our naked eye; Imaginary is something we create in our mind that is incongruent with God’s opinion. The definition of rest is resolving your unbelief and trusting God. It is then that you can live life by his power and not your own.
Ep. 163: The Value of a Godly Life
Sin isn’t just about behavior, but any beliefs we hand on to that aren’t in agreement with who God says he is. All desires begin with a pure and God-given hope, but when we try and get our desires fulfilled through the world system (greed and selfishness) that’s when we get into trouble. It’s impossible to experience utopia within the world system, paradise will only happen within you and your heart.
Ep. 162: Understanding the World System
It is within our true nature to win, and this is a God-given gift to motivate our desires to good things! However in the world system, somebody has to lose, and this is not the way of God’s Kingdom. Our entire lives, we are learning the world system with its processes and values, and we are taught to trust these systems. The person who wants to move fro possible to probable is intentional with every belief in their heart, moving from the world system to the nature of God and His Kingdom. Our warfare is in our minds and with the world system.
Ep. 161: Freedom From the World You See
Understanding the overlapping realities of heaven and earth helps us perceive the unseen world. The more we navigate the unseen, the more it will become probable bringing us to the place of certainty. When we believe God to do something for us (and pray) we presume the answer has to be manifested in our earthly realm. Our perspective and perception are limited. God is dwelling outside of time, asking us to trust him because He says, “Before you even ask, I will answer.”
Ep. 160: From Possibility to Probability
Entire life we have been taught to look at the circumstances to make decisions. Effective spiritual functionality happens through seeing the unseen world. The things of this world are temporary. The unseen is eternal. Navigating the unseen starts with realizing that all the things God did started with the Law of the Seed. When we look at something, that becomes our personal filter that changes our perception. It’s not your eye that defines what you see, but rather your brain and heart interprets what you seen. Once we create a belief, that is all we see.
Ep. 159: Replacing our "Bad Faith"
People tend to build skyscrapers on mud puddles unaware of how good they have it, and how good they could have it. God has already answered every prayer you will ever pray and provided everything you will ever need when you use the authority Jesus taught. The answer is already there! Why don’t we experience it? We don’t enter promises because of our unbelief. We have faith in other things… things that don’t work out. Our “bad faith” becomes the limiter and restrictor. Your journey isn’t meant to be hard!
Ep. 158: What's your purpose?
Every person comes into this world with a sense of uniqueness and wanting to do something to fulfill a purpose. You’re going to be driven to what you think your purpose is. It’s important to distinguish your gifting from your goal and ask yourself, what makes me feel significant? Instead of doing busy work, we need to pick the task that is natural and avoid a false sense of accomplishment. Move towards your true intention and define success as your journey. Being “who you are” satisfies and the best things in life are often those you didn’t plan.
Ep. 157: Positive Process of Transformation
To pursue God and yet refuse to pursue His process is not, in essence, pursuing God at all! Your first realization of dysfunction is when something annoys you or makes you uncomfortable. There is Internal resistance to being less than what you are or being more than what you are. This becomes your choice. If you choose destruction, you will accept your situation as normal and take the quantum leap that locks you into your negative sense of self. Choose freedom and start thinking differently, embrace new ideas with God’s promises and you start living in new opportunities!
Ep. 156: The Process of Faith
The process of faith and persuading your heart works for both the negative and the positive! Whatever you fix your heart on, is where you will remain steadfast. Remembering is a form of meditation, that God has been with you and He is faithful. We make our situations good or evil depending on how we relate to them or use them. The same process that destroys us, is the very same process that repurposes our circumstances to our benefit.
Ep. 155: Hearing Leading to Obedience
To him who has ears to hear, let him hear! As you make “hearing” your way of life, you develop obedience to respond to what you are sensing in your heart. There is a unique plan for your life that is personal and based on your sense of identity. Instead of doing something to become something (change) Be the real you, identified by the life of Jesus and that will lead to doing (transformation). As you look at your life story, even in the negative parts, invite God to help you see through His eyes, and let go of regret.
Ep. 154: Fixing your Heart
There is a reason why most believers experience the occasional miracle but not the life of constant promise. In this episode, Jim, Bob and Audrey talk about what it means to fix your heart to God with the emphasis on defining the word “fix”. What is the number one thing that keeps you from knowing what God wants you to do? You think you already know.
Ep. 153: Cycle of Change
Change is always going to take you either closer or further from God. Trying hard to change always ends in negativity, discouragement, and destruction, because we cannot sustain change. However, transformation happens in rest, trusting what God says about us is true. You don’t have to feel trapped because the people around you won’t change. You have the choice to have a different life than what is happening around you, by establishing the presence of God in your heart.
Ep. 152: Success Without Self-Destruction
As we face new opportunities and future plans, we don’t have to know every step. As much as we would love to have a glimpse of what the future will be, there are too many variables. Trusting and knowing the person we are following is what brings peace and allows us to make wise and wonderful decisions at the moment.
Ep. 151: Success and Prosperity
Instead of waiting for the perfect circumstances to follow your destiny, living life to the fullest right now is the true definition of success. Developing yourself by starting where you are is the secret to contentment. If you seek prosperity without developing generosity it can lead to destruction. If we want the blessings of God without the trouble, we can’t ignore the biblical principles! What would you do if you had no debt, and double your income? Your answer will reveal some amazing possibilities!
Ep. 150: Bringing Real Change in 2020
It seems that as believers we are trained to try really hard to work at things that aren’t even working. We all resist change! What we have decided, we convince ourselves, and then find evidence. Let’s tear down and root out our beliefs of lack so that we can plant new seeds. We can choose a quality of life that makes us, and everyone around us appreciates God and His goodness. Read every scripture again with a repentant heart and become comfortable with prosperity and complete peace in your heart.
Ep. 149: Focus on Jesus, Not the Path
The emotions, attitudes, and intention that is driving your life will continue to increase and you will receive more of the same. Let’s become more aware of Jesus and less obsessed with the path! Guard your heart vigilantly and be continually aware of the Lord. Pursuing His love and life protects our heart, and this happens in biblical meditation. We persuade our hearts and ponder God’s truth until it becomes our experience. Suddenly it is believable, and faith makes it happen.
Ep. 148: New Perspective, New Results
Your life philosophy is based on how you choose to see. The majority of people only operate in authority when they are in crisis. Resulting in pain, crisis, and conflict driving their life. Kingdom's perspective lives in a state of trusting God and listening to your heart. Your current “thought life” has brought you to where you are today, yet with that same reasoning we attempt to produce different results, and it will never work.
Ep. 147: Legally Settled in Heaven
All outward behavior is an expression from the heart. If something doesn’t change your behavior, then it isn’t really in your heart. When something happens that is “less than” the promise that Jesus has for you, the best approach is to assess and ask, “Based on God’s Word, is this legal?” Then reconcile and say, “Surrender to the will of God!” Faith is expressed through having a mental picture, deciding what words you are going to use, and then receiving provision and prosperity. It has been legally settled in heaven.
Ep. 146: Do you feel validated?
Your mind won’t let you see the truth if you’ve already decided. Your heart leads you to circumstances that are designed to validate what you believe about yourself, whether good or bad. Many believers don’t have their own experience with God, and try to duplicate what they see others do on the outside. Without the inner experience, we are not connected to our heart, or to faith.