Most of the time, motivation towards a goal or dream has a starting place of thinking “this is what I want”…something tangible that will bring us pleasure. If this is the starting place, you won’t likely find yourself walking in wisdom. In this episode, Jim, Bob and Audrey unpack the verse: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Walking along the path of wisdom, experiencing intimacy with God, making it our highest goal to know Him…this results in Him being our first choice, our first response and our first love.
Ep. 84: Being the Wisdom of God, Part 2
The Hebrews call it the closed MEM. MEM is a letter in the Hebrew alphabet that represents the mysteries of water. It is the knowledge that occurs when one plunges into the water and goes below the surface. Wisdom isn’t an intellectual exploration; it is a passing of knowledge that reveals what you need in your life at that moment and how to do it: it is the wisdom of God! Join Bob, Audrey and Jim as they explore the wonder of BEING the Wisdom of God, rather than just acquiring it.
Ep. 83: Being the Wisdom of God, Part 1
The Hebrews call it the closed MEM. MEM is a letter in the Hebrew alphabet that represents the mysteries of water. It is the knowledge that occurs when one plunges into the water and goes below the surface. Wisdom isn’t an intellectual exploration; it is a passing of knowledge that reveals what you need in your life at that moment and how to do it: it is the wisdom of God! Join Bob, Audrey and Jim as they explore the wonder of BEING the Wisdom of God, rather than just acquiring it.
Ep. 82: Journey Into Truth, Part 2
Our number one mission as believers is to see, recognize and enjoy what God has given us! Enjoying life starts with knowing wisdom, and we can’t have wisdom apart from truth. Join Jim, Bob and Audrey as we make the journey to discover more and more truth. The test for knowing if something is true, is asking: Does this truth reflect God’s character as represented through Jesus? Is there good fruit as a result of this truth? We are called to be the “connectors” between heaven and earth. Our degree of influence is directly correlated with how we are living the “kingdom life” every single day. Living in the kingdom is when the truth is in influencing us so much - we love life to the point where we can hardly contain ourselves!
Ep. 81: Journey Into Truth, Part 1
Our number one mission as believers is to see, recognize and enjoy what God has given us! Enjoying life starts with knowing wisdom, and we can’t have wisdom apart from truth. Join Jim, Bob and Audrey as we make the journey to discover more and more truth. The test for knowing if something is true, is asking: Does this truth reflect God’s character as represented through Jesus? Is there good fruit as a result of this truth? We are called to be the “connectors” between heaven and earth. Our degree of influence is directly correlated with how we are living the “kingdom life” every single day. Living in the kingdom is when the truth is in influencing us so much - we love life to the point where we can hardly contain ourselves!
Ep. 80: Doing Comes from Knowing
Many believers contemplate and may even stress over “what should I do?” Jim, Bob and, Audrey discuss that when we truly know God, the “doing” isn’t based on the willpower of massive efforts or cognitive and mental awareness with intention. Instead, the question changes: “How much do I really want to know God? The person that reaches that place and truly asks God to “search my heart” discovers that “doing” comes from “knowing”. And following the path of life becomes effortless and saturated with peace.
Ep. 79: Less Information, More Transformation
The more information you gather that is not changing your life, the heavier and despair you feel. In this, episode Jim shares his personal remedy for feeling “off track” and how he identifies and tunes in to the moment when He stopped listening to God. After hearing any message, the only part you remember is what you are truly willing to put in your heart. If you are ready to apply a revelation to your life, the light will turn on to the truth that will set you free.
Ep. 78: The Big Deception
The big deception is: I need to find a way to have a great life apart from God. The truth lies clearly in front of us: The treasures of the Kingdom are found in Jesus alone. When Jesus ascended to heaven after being resurrected, He opened the door for us to receive the realm of resources that are part of our inheritance. Jim, Bob and Audrey discuss the real question that lies before us: Will we really believe what Jesus accomplished? Do we truly know the resources available to us?
Ep. 77: The Pollution of Religion
Religion with relationship has polluted mindsets to believe that a person just needs a “special key” or a formula or method in order to get their needs met. Most people are searching for a nugget that requires nothing on their part. Dr. Jim, Bob and Audrey explore the Lordship of Jesus, which is highly relational and daily surrendering to His ways, His promises, His character and His thoughts. When we understand who we are, with Him as our Lord, then every decision we make will be aligned to His Kingdom Treasures, and the inheritance He has provided for us.
Ep. 76: Spending the Night at God’s House
In this episode, Bob, Audrey and Jim explore the serendipity principle of seeking God first, enjoying fellowship with Him, and experiencing His blessings, promises, comfort and provision without effort – they simply get added to our life! Get perspective on what the enemy can and can’t do, and receive a practical application for tackling challenges and overcoming obstacles by embracing the name of God and embracing the steadfastness of His nature and character.
Ep. 75: The Vine and Oak, Finding Our Strength in God
In this multi-episode series, Jim, Bob and Audrey explore the depths of what was accomplished during the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Knowing the richness, triumphant and powerful victory of this event will enhance your understanding of your calling and your inheritance. During his burial, Jesus himself persuaded his heart of God’s promises and operated and in faith until He was fully convinced. It was then when the resurrection power of God raised Him from the dead. We are called to follow the same model!
Ep. 74: Three Days that Changed the World, Part 4
In this multi-episode series, Jim, Bob and Audrey explore the depths of what was accomplished during the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Knowing the richness, triumphant and powerful victory of this event will enhance your understanding of your calling and your inheritance. During his burial, Jesus himself persuaded his heart of God’s promises and operated and in faith until He was fully convinced. It was then when the resurrection power of God raised Him from the dead. We are called to follow the same model!
Ep. 73: Three Days That Changed the World, Part 3
In this multi-episode series, Jim, Bob and Audrey explore the depths of what was accomplished during the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Knowing the richness, triumphant and powerful victory of this event will enhance your understanding of your calling and your inheritance. During his burial, Jesus himself persuaded his heart of God’s promises and operated and in faith until He was fully convinced. It was then when the resurrection power of God raised Him from the dead. We are called to follow the same model!
Ep. 72: Three Days That Changed the World, Part 2
In this multi-episode series, Jim, Bob and Audrey explore the depths of what was accomplished during the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Knowing the richness, triumphant and powerful victory of this event will enhance your understanding of your calling and your inheritance. During his burial, Jesus himself persuaded his heart of God’s promises and operated and in faith until He was fully convinced. It was then when the resurrection power of God raised Him from the dead. We are called to follow the same model!
Ep. 71: Three Days That Changed the World, Part 1
In this multi-episode series, Jim, Bob and Audrey explore the depths of what was accomplished during the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Knowing the richness, triumphant and powerful victory of this event will enhance your understanding of your calling and your inheritance. During his burial, Jesus himself persuaded his heart of God’s promises, and operated and in faith until He was fully convinced. It was then when the resurrection power of God raised Him from the dead. We are called to follow the same model!
Ep. 70: Is God correcting us or protecting us?
Is God correcting us or protecting us? Without the warning of pain, we wouldn’t have any reason to stay away from the very things that can destroy us. God didn’t create pain so that there would be a balance between pain and pleasure, in fact He has provided us a way to fulfill every desire and experience every pleasure within His Kingdom principles and promises. Join Jim, Bob and Audrey for this important conversation about pleasure without boundaries.
Ep. 69: Choosing Pleasure Over Pain
You were never designed to deal with pain. The garden of Eden was perfect and complete and lacked nothing. The world changed after the choices of Adam and Eve, and now we are learning to live in God’s promises, making choices that lead to pleasure rather than pain. Join Bob, Audrey and, Jim as they discuss the resurrection power of God that is more powerful than any formula or doctrine. As believers, we want to know the Word of God to renew our mind, but then take a step further and follow God because he is our shepherd.
Ep. 68: Walking in Favor, Part 2
What did it mean when Jesus said that “some” have ears to hear and eyes to see, and others don’t? What about “many are called, but few are chosen”. In this episode, Jim, Bob and Audrey discuss the one thing that separates those who seem to walk in favor, understanding and new sight and those who don’t. It’s the same thing that caused the disciples to have a large capacity to receive, perceive and experience Jesus. They surrendered everything to God, including their opinions, followed Jesus wholeheartedly and effortlessly lived in peace and provision…paradise…the garden…heaven on earth.
Ep. 67: Walking in Favor
What did it mean when Jesus said that “some” have ears to hear and eyes to see, and others don’t? What about “many are called, but few are chosen”. In this episode, Jim, Bob and Audrey discuss the one thing that separates those who seem to walk in favor, understanding and new sight and those who don’t. It’s the same thing that caused the disciples to have a large capacity to receive, perceive and experience Jesus. They surrendered everything to God, including their opinions, followed Jesus wholeheartedly and effortlessly lived in peace and provision…paradise…the garden…heaven on earth.
Ep. 66: Releasing Unforgiveness
Scriptures instruct us to “Lay aside every weight that keeps us from running the race”. In this episode, Jim, Bob and, Audrey help you identify what your “weights” may be within your life, whether it be distractions, chaos or stress. One of the ways to know that you are in the kingdom of God is when you have peace. And if you are holding on to resentment, no matter how validated it is, it’s virtually impossible to be in peace. Unforgiveness is the weight that keeps us from running in freedom, joy and, effectiveness.