Ep. 65: No More Tolerating Chaos

Are you feeling stuck? The only one that can do something about your problems is you – which is great news! As believers, we will no longer passively tolerate chaos or frustration because Jesus has show us the way to abundant life. In this episode, Jim, Audrey and Bob discuss the weights that keep you from confidently stepping out and overcoming your situation. As you evaluate every decision, ask yourself, is this going to produce peace or chaos? You will quickly find out if you are externally focused (stuck on trying to control) or eternally minded, where peace, joy and righteousness are your living reality.

Ep. 64: Legal Standing

Dr. Jim Richards, along with Bob and Audrey, tackle a new level of authority that we have as believers. Establishing the Kingdom of heaven, while we are living here on earth is not only our privilege, but it is where we have legal standing. This is where we naturally, instinctively live according to God’s names, character and nature…without hesitation! Jim shares his first “heart exercise” how he began persuading his heart of the glorious inheritance we have in Jesus.

Ep. 63: Readiness of Mind

When you have a “readiness of mind” and a thorough preparation of peace in your heart, you will have the ability to respond in any situation without reaction. If we question God, it reveals that we don’t have a foundation in the Gospel of Peace. All matters have been settled in heaven, so it comes down to our choice to choose life or death. Join Bob, Audrey and Jim as they explore the true meaning behind “keep on asking and keep on knocking”…as you choose to believe that God’s promises are true. If you possess it, you WILL inherit it.

Ep. 62: God our Tutor

The job of a tutor in a privileged or royal family is to prepare the children to be an heir, learning the ways, the thoughts and responses of their family and father to the point where it becomes their natural instincts.  The Holy Spirit is training us to think, breathe and believe like royalty.  Our Father’s very names, identity and thoughts are to become our thoughts as we emulate Him.   Our relationship with Him develops our confidence, knowing Him so well that we would never have to question His Will or His Promises. 

Ep. 61: Making Decisions

The conversation with Bob, Audrey, and Jim continues as they discuss the decisions we have made for 2018.  What will it take to set up for true success and not be in the group of 80% who fail by February?  The choice is ours:  Will we accomplish our goals by the sweat of our brow or the work of the Holy Spirit? The key to moving to the next phase is experiencing God as your Father.

Ep. 60: The Posture of Prayer

Paul teaches us not to be conformed and pressured to think like the world thinks, but be internally transformed. This concept applies to our prayer life, as we cast our vision from the place of our heart that says, “I absolutely know that God wants me, He takes care of me, and I don’t lack anything”. That is our posture of conversation with God! The fruit of our faith is confidence. The manifestation of our faith is being sure, steadfast and unshakable. Join Jim, Bob and Audrey as they encourage you to experience breakthrough…this is your year!

Ep. 58: A Reason to Celebrate

After hearing the Christmas story countless times, it’s possible to become immune to the details, deep meanings and scriptural values that easily become overlooked. Join Bob, Audrey and Jim as they ask important questions to explore the holiness and majesty of Jesus’ birth and celebrate the redemptive plan of our Creator God. Prepare for Christmas in a new way, setting time aside to truly soak in the meaning of Christmas and the extravagance of God’s Love.

Ep. 57: Experiencing Truth

Join Bob, Audrey and Jim as they help you understand what do to if something isn’t working in your life. Instead of figuring out what’s wrong with you, simply go to God and do heart work to find out what is blocking you from “Righteousness, Peace and Joy”. The Kingdom is all about your heart, believing who Jesus is in you – your true identity. The peace the world gives is counterfeit to what Jesus offers. Living in denial might make you feel tranquil, but the lie will destroy you. A substance might make you feel calm, but it will destroy you. Reconnecting to the Father brings you to Jesus, where all rejection and fear is replaced with the overwhelming peace that you are loved and reconnected to your inheritance.

Ep. 56: Experiencing the Kingdom

When Jesus came to pronounce a Kingdom, it surpassed the external manifestations and became an invitation to truly experience righteousness, peace, and joy in your mind and heart.  The original word for “heaven” and “mind” have the same numerical value, meaning there is a connection – reaffirming to our hearts that we can experience heaven without limits.  Join Bob, Audrey, and Jim as they explore the difference between “fruit” (because of what is written on your heart) and “payment” which is working by the sweat of our brow to earn a reward.  

Ep. 55: The Mystery of the Kingdom

Some components of the Kingdom of God are clear, plain and simple to follow, and others are a mystery! The Old Testament feasts and rituals were put in place to reveal the Ways of God, His character and Nature. When Paul talks about the mystery of God, it’s about trusting Him even when don’t see the whole picture. It’s about embracing our current step so we will be prepared and ready without fully knowing the next step. It’s about Christ in us…the ultimate mystery, the ultimate provision and our ultimate hope.

Ep. 54: The Glory of God

The Israelites saw God defeat the current world power and miraculously deliver them from the bondage of slavery, followed by experiencing the Red Sea parting…can we imagine witnessing the magnitude of this miracle? Join Bob, Audrey and Jim as they talk about the greatest miracle of all.  Glory is not fully seen in the external manifestation or mission of God, where we use our five senses. The greatest miracle is knowing God to the point where we see through His eyes. Find out what this means for you.  Recovered sight is God’s plan for you today.   

Ep. 53: Peace of God

There is a clear distinction between the peace of the world and the peace of God.

It is God’s passion and effort for us to have peace. As we understand the significance of this priority, anything we accomplish is secondary to knowing our security in Him.  Stress enters through iniquity, which is the rejection of God’s morals and values. We tend to wonder why we aren’t living in peace, when in reality we have decided to fulfill a passion in our own way, assuming that God is restricting us, instead of knowing that He is loving us perfectly.

Ep. 52: Passing Judgements and Accepting Responsibility

If we expect anyone outside of us to make us happy or give us peace, we are not being responsible. I am the only person who has jurisdiction over my responses, my assumptions, and my judgments. When I live under the Lordship of Jesus and have meaningful relationship with Him, He leads me to make decisions that are congruent to the best pathway for my life.

Ep. 51: The Greatest Quality of Life

The truth of God’s Word and Promise comes to completion when it is manifested in our behavior. You can’t walk in a corrupted world without getting corrupted, so how do we consistently remain connected to the Love of God?  Forgiveness says:  “I am escaping consequence” but Cleansing says: I am washed of the corruption that makes me even desire this.  Join Bob, Audrey and Jim as they invite you to the greatest quality of life - where perfect love is received and then outwardly expressed and returned.  

Ep. 50: Will Knowledge Change My Life?

Gnosticism teaches that knowledge and information itself – is life. While the benefits include light that brightens our path, and protection from deception, knowledge cannot bring life. Many feel they are having a spiritual experience when they get new knowledge, but the effect of new information doesn’t change our lives until we experience it, which happens with an action or outward expression. Join Bob, Jim, and Audrey as they inspire you to experience God and solidify the motivations of your heart.

Ep. 49: The True Meaning of Confession

God’s original design for our lives is for intimacy with Him to be daily, fresh and spontaneously, while perfectly set within structure and procedures.  When you study the sacrifices in the Old Testament, the types and shadows reveal God’s passion to connect with the core of who we really are.  Just like in marriage, two people can’t stay in love if they aren’t dealing with daily issues that affect your life, so it is with our relationship with God, and that’s why confession is so important. 

Ep. 48: Motivation to Acknowledgement

When your conscience condemns you, you will automatically revert to self- righteousness (justification) or self-judgment (condemnation). Your heart longs to appease God in order to deepen intimate relationship, but this can become confusing and disempowering. In this episode, Jim, Bob and Audrey discuss the importance of healthy motivation behind confession and owning the real problem.

Ep. 47: Reuniting Intimacy with God

If you’re not seeking what God is offering, you’ll wonder why you’re not connecting with God and grace to live righteously.  In this episode, Dr. Jim, Bob and Audrey continue the discussion about the purification offering and how it was originally created to reunite intimacy with God.  Come into agreement with how God sees you, surrender your will to God and enter into His holy and beautiful presence.   

Ep. 46: Pursuing God the Way He Pursues Us

The feasts and sacrifices of the Old Testament are fascinating symbolic foreshadows and types of Jesus. Join Bob, Audrey and Dr. Jim Richards as they present understanding and pictures of who God is, and His ultimate purpose. Our goal as believers is communion and connection with our Creator. Learn the secret of receiving God’s unconditional love during this study of the feasts.