Knowing God has “Holy One” unlocks intimacy with God. Our misconception of holiness being “unattainable perfection” has the potential to intimidate us from the invitation to be set apart from every other religion or worldly perspective. In this episode, Jim shares how the book of Leviticus has opened up to him in a new and profound way this week, answering a long-standing question in his heart. This podcast ends in a way that will leave you pondering in God’s presence…making this message extremely personal for you.
Ep. 44: Changing HOW we think
Renewing our minds is less about what we think, and more about how we think! Bob, Audrey, and Jim explore “one-dimensional thinking” where one Renewing our minds is less about what we think, and more about how we think! Bob, Audrey, and Jim explore “one-dimensional thinking” where one tends to resort to contractual definitions of words and God’s names thus missing the ultimate intention, which is deeper relationship. Our experiences with God cannot be fully explained, yet the revelation of His ways and nature will continue to deepen and be enriched until we meet Him face to face. tends to resort to contractual definitions of words and God’s names thus missing the ultimate intention, which is deeper relationship. Our experiences with God cannot be fully explained, yet the revelation of His ways and nature will continue to deepen and be enriched until we meet Him face to face.
Ep. 43: Experience Answered Prayer
Our own opinions can only produce limited-human-realities. God created us to live in paradise, and as we know Him as Jehovah-Kavod, God of Glory, His heavenly point of view and opinion becomes our reality. When we have a need and attempt to fulfill it through limited earthly means, we are ignoring God, and the counterfeit becomes our god. In this podcast, hear the invitation to step through the door of opportunity and experience the outcome of answered prayer that you have been longing for.
Ep. 42: God's Best Pathway Revealed
When we want God more than anything else, the path of life is revealed. When we know Him on an intellectual level only, we can walk right by His provision and promotion, simply because we aren’t in close communion with Him…hearing Him, hearing His heartbeat and understanding His nature and character. Knowing God’s goodness and His names leads to a new way of thinking, and a new level of trust.
Ep. 41: Experiencing God’s Reality through His Names
Peace, goodness, mercy, righteousness, healer…as we magnify the characteristics of God, we experience these very attributes as they manifest with power in our lives. Continue the journey of God revealing Himself through His names in this series with Dr. Jim, Bob and Audrey. When we realize the reality of His powerful names in our present, we ignite hope. When we foresee His provision in the future, we ignite faith.
Ep. 40: Knowing God by His Name
Cultivating faithfulness with God is one of the natural pursuits of relationship. He has given us His names to discover deep and sometimes even hidden characteristics of His amazing character and nature. His name, Elohim means: I am self revealing and I reveal myself through my name. Join Dr. Jim, Bob and Audrey as they start this new series emphasizing and making God’s names personal.
Ep. 39: Knowing God's Love
Emotion and spiritual stability do not come from doctrine, but it comes from the strength and intimacy of a relationship. Those who seek to know and love God are the people who are the people who are going to have peace and joy! There's no fruit in big arguments because you're so busy proving that you are right. Join Dr. Jim along with Bob and Audrey as they inspire you to more intimacy with God.
Ep. 38: Intention with God
Whether you know it or not, each time you approach God you have an intention in your heart. It may be subconscious, but you want to get something from him, or you desire to know Him and develop your relationship with Him. In this episode, Jim, Bob and Audrey talk about a heart that is yielding, making obedience a beautiful expression of a heart that trusts that God.
Ep. 37: Consider the Outcome
Stand, see and ask for the old paths. Travel and find rest for your souls. Bob, Audrey, and Jim explore the depths of Jeremiah 6:16. You hear God’s voice when you are truly prepared to obey. Trusting God leads you to the pathways that lead to His presence and His heart. When you harmonize your intentions with His, you don’t have to question, wonder or refrain. Consider the outcome, guard your intentions and you will labor to a place of true rest: Effortless victory.
Ep. 36: Harmony with God
Walking in step with the Spirit is harmony with God, and it has everything to do with the intention of your heart. Discord happens when you do the right things for the wrong reason. The way to truly understanding harmony with God is to keep seeking a relationship with God, and knowing His intentions for you.
Ep. 35: Legalism vs. Relationship
Our relationship with God is no different than any other; in the beginning, love is natural and reciprocal but it often wanes. Until we show the love of God we are not truly experiencing the love of God.
Ep. 34: God's Perfect Love
Join Bob, Audrey, and Jim as they talk about experiencing Perfect Love. Perfect Love shows how to give and receive love without falling into “toxic love” or becoming a “doormat.” Walk in and experience the love of God.
Ep. 33: What Does it Mean to Fear God?
Join Bob and Audrey with Dr. Jim Richards as they delve into the subject of the “Fear of God” and what it means as we walk in God’s love. When God is our most precious, cherished relationship, we will do everything to avoid breaking His heart. His mercies toward us reach into each facet of our lives and days…and His love toward us is purposed to be received, returned, and then reciprocated to everyone in the world around us.
Ep. 32: Secrets of Creation, Part 3
God’s original design of love as expressed through the paradise of the Garden of Eden is still accessible today. Rejecting the absolutes of His perfect love and the principles of the Kingdom limit us from experiencing God’s best for us in our present world. Join Dr. Jim Richards, Bob and Audrey as they talk about how heaven begins in our mind and the way we think.
Ep.31: Secrets of Creation, Part 2
God created the world in such a way that it is pre-programed to heal and restore. Faith is not believing that God will create something that doesn’t exist, but rather trust Him to lead you into what is already available and provided for you. Join Dr. Jim Richards, Bob, and Audrey as they seek beyond the “how” of creation, and tap into God’s heart for the “why” He created our beautiful world.
Ep. 30: Secrets of Creation
When we are established in what we believe about God creating the Universe, we will no longer struggle with doubt, and we will tap into His motives for creation, His love for mankind and the fact that His love is so preemptive and proactive, that before there was ever a “need” He already created an answer. In the first episode in this new series Dr. Jim establishes a “History Lesson” of God’s heart for His creation.
Ep. 29: Power of Preparation
As believers, Resurrection Sunday is the pinnacle event that broke the power of sin, fear, shame and gave us personal access into God’s presence. Join Jim, Bob and Audrey as they give ideas in how practically prepare for a fresh and epic experience as you celebrate, honor and commune with Jesus this Sunday. Instead of observing the event from an intellectual or positional standpoint, be inspired to participate like never before.
Ep. 28: What are Your "Absolutes"?, Part 2
As believers, we want to experience the promises of God, but we aren’t always willing to follow the prescription. In this podcast with Jim, Audrey and Bob, learn the difference between “The Law” and legalism and embrace the roadmap that is offered to us. “Absolutes” can be misinterpreted as control, but Jesus offers us a way to overcome the world system through knowing Him as our cornerstone for everything we do, every thought we think, and every belief in our heart.
Ep. 27: What are our “Absolutes”?
As believers, we want to experience the promises of God, but we aren’t always willing to follow the prescription. In this podcast with Jim, Audrey and Bob, learn the difference between “The Law” and legalism and embrace the roadmap that is offered to us. “Absolutes” can be misinterpreted as control, but Jesus offers us a way to overcome the world system through knowing Him as our cornerstone for everything we do, every thought we think, and every belief in our heart.
Ep. 26: Open our Eyes to See God, Part 2
Join Bob and Audrey with Dr. Jim Richards as inspire you to “See God” for who He is as demonstrated through the life of Jesus. Even if you have read the Gospels thousands of times through the years, there are ways to keep the example of his life relevant to your “every day”. Renewing your mind isn’t about getting “new information” but rather learning how to think in a way that keeps you experiencing the truth that is personally connected to Jesus.