Join Bob and Audrey with Dr. Jim Richards as inspire you to “See God” for who He is as demonstrated through the life of Jesus. Even if you have read the Gospels thousands of times through the years, there are ways to keep the example of his life relevant to your “every day”. Renewing your mind isn’t about getting “new information” but rather learning how to think in a way that keeps you experiencing the truth that is personally connected to Jesus.
Ep. 24: Transformation is Personal, Part 2
The much-quoted Bible verse doesn’t instruct us to “Study…and see that God is good”. We are invited to taste and see that there is a feast of God’s goodness ready for us to enjoy! Join Dr. Jim Richards, Bob, and Audrey as they have continue their open conversation about the topics of pre-destination, free choice, the most important goals in life and becoming like Jesus.
Ep. 23: Transformation is Personal
Transformation is personal for every person. In this episode, Dr. Jim Richards along with Drs. Bob and Audrey Meisner have an open conversation about the ways they enjoy God and are drawn into God’s Love. There is a preferred future and potential for your life that was destined before the world began, instead of trying to become something you are not, be transformed by God’s love to be the very best version of YOU!
Ep. 22: Wake Up Smiling
Before you open your eyes or say a word each morning, a few precious moments have the potential to place you on the pathway of peace and hope. Make these seconds count. They are more important than you can even imagine!
Ep. 21: Motivated for Transformation, Part 2
We were created to function with pleasure. But unfortunately many have bought into the lie that life with God is crippled with challenges and suffering. It’s simply the opposite! But when we try and find fulfillment apart from God, we begin to lose. When we surrender to our life in God, we simply cannot lose. No matter what the people around us choose, no matter what the outcome of our life is, we are invited to be established in His peace, joy, and righteousness. Join Jim, Bob, and Audrey for another motivating episode about true transformation.
Ep. 20: Motivated for Transformation, Part 1
True motivation starts with establishing very fulfilling and permanent goals, firmly grounded in Jesus living His life through us. In this episode, Dr. Jim Richards describes the two types of motivation: “Moving Away” and “Moving Towards”. We will effortlessly and inherently move towards our perceived sense of pleasure. God’s will was never for you to live in pain. Join Bob and Audrey with Jim as they help you discover your ultimate motivation.
Ep. 19: Reading God’s Word for Transformation
Dr. Jim Richards offers an inspiring approach to reading God’s Word in a way that will truly transform your heart! As we sincerely seek to know the wisdom of His ways and experience a better quality of life, we will read the bible prayerfully, knowing that there is something valuable and personal for your life every time you make the investment. Join Bob and Audrey and on this further exploration of the foundations of faith.
Ep. 18: What is Your Motivation?
We are either compelled by fear or live by faith! According to Hebrews 6:1-3, there are six elementary foundational stones that are necessary to be laid before we can move on to maturity in righteousness, the first being “repentance from dead works”. In this podcast, Dr. Jim Richards clarifies the difference between “dead works” and “good works”. We are always protected from wrong motives when we are assured and persuaded that we are deeply loved by God.
Ep. 17: Components of Transformation
Nobody wants to experience pain or regret – but instead of letting them rob your future, they can be powerful motivators, as well as effective teachers. If you don’t want to repeat the mistakes of last year, how do you become the person you need to be to accomplish the goals that you have set in motion? Join Bob, Audrey, and Dr. Jim Richards as they help us understand that the happiest people in the world are those who take responsibility for how they respond in every situation.
Ep. 16: Trusting God's Character
Are you ready to experience contentment and rest like never before? In this podcast, Dr. Jim Richards, Bob and Audrey talk about the phenomenal life that results when we follow God’s lead. Do you want to accomplish your goals, or be the kind of person established in Jesus, where you can’t help but naturally fulfill your purpose every single day? If your success is independent of your identity, it will ultimately destroy you. Allowing your life to be led by a heart of faith brings you into triumph and true transformation.
Ep. 15: Preparation for the New Year
When it comes to preparation for the New Year, it’s great to decide what you want, but then ask the important questions: What needs to change? What adjustments need to be made? The simple solution for true transformation unfolds as we surrender our opinions that limit who we really are in Jesus. The magnitude and powerful resolve of His love, His nature and His character we will lead us and expand His a secure and heavenly pathway for 2017.
Ep. 14: Persuading Your Heart
What does it mean to labor to a place of rest? This paradox describes the journey of persuading our heart. Join Bob and Audrey with Dr. Jim Richards as they explore the difference between acquiring knowledge, and actually influencing your belief system. If you are willing to put this truth into practice, you will experience the breakthrough you have been waiting for.
Ep.13: Hearing God and Trusting Him
No matter how much effort you exert, at the end of the day, you are going to live your day according to who you believe you are. Anytime our walk with God gets hard, it reveals that we are trying hard to be someone apart from how who He created us to be. You are invited to connect with God’s love like never before as guest Dr. Jim Richards describes biblical meditation…life gets simple when we hear God and trust Him.
Ep. 12: Is God My Source?
We are all looking for acceptance and approval – once you find someone or some group who will give you both, they become your source, and in essence, your God. The law of effortless transformation is that you become like the God you believe in. As we see God as He truly is, we will become like Him. You’ll love this episode as Drs. Bob and Audrey have conversation with Dr. Jim Richards challenging you with the probing questions that will identify your real source, and leading you to deeper layers of peace in Jesus.
Ep. 11: What is God's Opinion of Me?
The day we choose to trust God and be in agreement with His view and opinion of us, is the greatest step to knowing our self worth. Like layers of an onion, finding peace in your story is an ongoing journey of surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus. Choose to put on the truth of your identity – giving up your opinion is the most basic form of dying to self.
Ep. 10: Your Heart is the Seat of your Identity
Continuing with the theme of “Loving the life within us”, join Drs. Bob and Audrey and Dr. Jim Richards as they discuss the world you have created inside your heart. Repeating patterns of dysfunction simply indicate that you are potentially blinded by a desire to be right, and are resistant to true transformation. Your heart is the seat of your identity, and this series continues to apply God’s word to shape your self-image, your self-confidence and your value all found in Jesus Christ.
Ep. 9: Dr. Jim Richards - Loving Life Within Us, Part 1
Do you find yourself surrounded ith conflict? Do you crave a stress free environment to enjoy your life? True influence comes by looking at your own inner matrix. Then instead of demanding respect or appreciation you begin to inspire it! Drs. Bob and Audrey and Dr. Jim Richards help you discover the way to meet every person’s deepest need - to feel loved and valued.
Ep. 8: Dr. Jim Richards, Healing the Broken Heart, Part 8
What are the initial steps to Living Transformed? Dr. Jim Richards is the featured guest as Drs. Bob and Audrey discuss the practical steps to renew our minds by asking important questions like: What am I allowing in my life? What does Biblical Meditation look like in my daily walk with God?
Ep. 7: Dr. Jim Richards, Healing the Broken Heart, Part 7
In order to really experience peace, we must go back to the foundations of our faith. Is something in your life not working? Drs. Bob and Audrey and Dr. Jim Richards discuss the importance of the New Covenant, and what it means for us as believers!
Ep. 6: Dr. Jim Richards, Healing the Broken Heart, Part 6
Dr. Jim brings deep understanding to the authority that we’ve been given. After living with emotional pain for years, it becomes our norm, and we no longer even notice it’s effects on our life and our relationships. We have two choices: to accept the emotional pain, or to refuse it.